1. Marlowe lived during_________ 2. The Tragical History of Doctor Faustus was written in________ 3. Marlowe's most notable contemporary was____________ 4. The reigning English monarch during Marlowe's whole life was________ 5. During his time at Corpus Christi College in Cambridge, Marlowe apparently once planned to____________ 6. Historical evidence suggests that Marlowe worked for the government as a______ 7. Marlowe originally went to London to work as an_____________ 8. Marlowe's first play was___________ 9. Marlowe died___________ 10. After his death, accusations surfaced, alleging that Marlowe was________ 11. Marlowe was rumored to be________ 12. Doctor Faustus is a scholar from________ 13. Faustus has a servant named_________ 14. Faustus is a scholar at____________ 15. According to Catholic and Protestant Christian lore, Satan______________ 16. At the beginning of the play, we learn that Faustus has impressive credentials as a_________ 17. At the beginning of the play, Faustus expresses_________ 18. From his first speech, the audience can see clearly that Faustus suffers from the sin of____________ 19. In 1.1, we see that Faustus decides to turn to_________ 20. As implied in his speech about medicine in 1.1, Faustus seems to gain no satisfaction from__________ 21. The name Marlowe uses for the ruler of hell and the devils is_________ 22. The devil Faustus summons is___________ 23. In "negotiations," Faustus asks the devil for__________ 24. Faustus, in exchange for his demands, must give up___________ 25. Faustus is advised by________