English Literature MCQs-Poetry4

1. Shakespeare composed much of his plays in what sort of verse?
a. Alliterative verse
b. Sonnet form
c. Iambic pentameter
d. Dactylic hexameter

2. Which poet invented the concept of the variable foot in poetry?
a. William Carlos Williams
b. Emily Dickinson
c. Gerard Manly Hopkins
d. Robert Frost

3. Who wrote this famous line: 'Shall I compare thee to a summer's day/ Thou art more lovely and more temperate…'
a. TS Eliot
b. Lord Tennyson
c. Charlotte Bronte
d. Shakespeare

4. From what century does the poetic form the folk ballad date?
a. The 12th
b. The 14th
c. The 17th
d. The 19th

5. From which of Shakespeare's plays is this famous line: 'Did my heart love til now?/ Forswear it, sight/ For I never saw a true beauty until this night'
a. A Midsummer Night's Dream
b. Hamlet
c. Othello
d. Romeo and Juliet

6. What is a poem called whose first letters of each line spell out a word?
a. Alliterative
b. Epic
c. Acrostic
d. Haiku

7. Auld Lang Syne is a famous poem by whom?
a. Sir Walter Scott
b. William Butler Yeats
c. Henry Longfellow
d. Robert Burns

8. How has Stephen Dunn been described in 'the Oxford Companion to 20th Century Poetry?
a. A poet of middleness
b. Capturing a sense of spiritual marooness
c. One of the leading prairie poets
d. Has some distinction as a critic

9. 'The Cambridge school' refers to a group who emerged when?
a. The 1900's
b. The 1960's
c. The 1920's
d. The 1930's

10. Margaret Atwood was born in which Canadian city?
a. Vancouver
b. Toronto
c. Ottowa
d. Montreal

Iambic pentameter
William Carlos Williams
The 12th
Romeo and Juliet
Robert Burns
A poet of middleness
The 1960's

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